Monday, May 12, 2008

You just never know who you'll run into

Saturday I was at on site for Girl Scout day camp. This is where all leaders get together to plan what we are going to do during the week of camp with the girls. The last hour of the day the girls come and everyone meets and makes final plans. It is a very long but fun day. At the end I realized I had forgotten something so I went up to the pavilion to seek out the director. I asked a few of the ladies there where I might find her and suddenly this woman asks who I am in a stern voice. I tell her my name and what group I'm with and she says no, what is your maiden name. Not sure why, as I did not grow up anywhere around here, but as soon as I tell her it dawns on me who she was! She was one of my very best friends from grade school. We actually go back to 2nd grade!!! We had lost touch with each other about 20 years ago. She just happened to be up here for the day (staying with the asst. director of day camp) because her daughter had been invited to a prom here. Go figure! I had given up trying to locate her. Never in a million years did I expect to find her at a Girl Scout event! It has been great to reminisce and catch up on things. I hope we'll get to do much more. She now lives 5 hours away from where I do but I'm sure we'll find a way.

BTW - She too knew my husband before I did! LOL It's crazy!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

One Stop Shopping... Southern Style (LOL)

Wordless Wednesday


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Why? Why? WHY do I do this to myself?

OK, We still have TON of stuff at the old house to clear out and new renters would like to move in by June. ACK!!! I had all these grand plans of not bringing any of the *junk* with us but I haven't sorted through it all. Ok, nor real ambition either! It's hard with so many other projects, events, appt's, etc. on the plate. Guess the stuff is going to get piled into the basement in hopes of sorting through it there so I can use my basement for a family room when it is all done. Please don't hold your breathe because I really couldn't bear the guilt of anyone losing consciousness on my account.

So now to add to the stress. The girls have decided they want their birthday parties to be 1) at their new house! and 2) separate. ACK, ACK & ACK!!! I could probably coax the soon-to-be-5 year old into something else but the soon-to-be-8 yr old has dug her heels in and holding her ground hard! I'd almost concede for the Rat Trap if she'd let loose of this idea. To make it worse she really has her heart set on a carnival in her back yard. Space is not an issue with 5 acres but the previous owners were dog breeders and there are fence posts/kennels everywhere that have to be removed. It's part of why we got such a good deal on the house. Add in being able to do this indoors if rain. Why can I not tell her no?

Normally we like to do their parties before school is out to avoid the *summer party no shows* but there just isn't time nor an available slot that isn't already filled with other classmate parties or end of school festivities. So the plan is to have S's party the weekend following school end (5/24) and K's on her actual Bday (7th). Not too bad but I also have Girl Scout Camp (I'm a leader and both girls go) from 6/2 - 6/6. So that means the house has to be ready and party stuff ready before 6/1 because I will have next to no life left in me during camp week. Any of you who have lead a camp with kids (my group is 12 girls but the whole camp is approx. 300 kids) understand exactly what I am saying!!!

Oh, and DH has decided that maybe we could go visit the Big Mouse after all this year; so I'm trying to plan that in somewhere too. Can you even get reservations this late?

But I really want ALL of this for the girls so let me quit whining (and typing) and start planning & prepping! Thanks for letting me vent!

Monday, May 05, 2008

WOW! It's been over a month...

I'm surprised to see it's been over a month since I posted. When I look back and realize how much has been going on I really shouldn't be though. Approaching the end of the school year is always crazy. We STILL have not finished moving all our stuff out of the old house! I know that is hard to believe but it's true. We've just been swamped and the new house has required repairs/adjustments that we were unaware of. So was the inspector! : ( Nothing overly major but time consuming nonetheless. But the proposed renters need the house soon so we must get in gear quickly!

So what was going on this past month? Besides all the usual craziness my life always entails...

1) my neice had twin boys on April 10th. They are just precious!!!

2) My brother (61) Got married!!! For the 1st time! :-o Yea, we never thought that day would come but we are all thrilled for him and welcome our new sister-in-law Pat. I wish mom & dad were here to be a part of it but I'm sure they were there in their own way.

3) DD #1 wrecked her car. Not once, but twice in 3 days!!! Yep, twice! *Killed* one on Sunday (before we got back from the wedding). Got a new one Monday night then Tuesday morning *broke* it! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk! What are we going to do with that girl!?! Good thing Ken is as handy as he is. He managed to put the new one back together (although could still use some touch ups) and she is back on the road again. I see a defensive driving class in her future! ; )

4) The birthday party brigade has begun! I swear there are a ton of them this time of year! You'd think people had nothing else to do in the Fall/Winter than procreate. Oh wait, I guess that applies to me too seeing as I have 6 Spring/Summer kids of my own. {{{BLUSH}}} So lots of parties to go to and we are in full throttle of planning both of the little ladies in the house parties. This year they are getting seperate ones.More on that later. DH & DS#3 is coming up too. DH hits the BIG 5-0 this year.

5) And without going into details... DS# 3 is keeping us up nights. What is it with my boys? All 3 of them. I keep hoping & praying that they will see the error of their ways and grow up but, alas, I guess it won't be today! {{{SIGH}}}

Well, I guess that about sums it up for now. Oh, wait, 1 more good thing. For the first time in 11 years since having that @#$% Depo shot I have actually lost weight!!! WooHoo! That's reason to celebrate right there! I hope I'm not jinxing myself by posting this either. I'm sure the yoga has helped and Lord knows 3 flights of stairs has definately contributed but I also added a couple of other supplements to my long list of them and I think they might be doing something too. I'm just hoping it continues!!!