Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breaking in the dog.

Nothing like breaking the new family member into our life right from the beginning than with a Road Trip. The day after she arrived we took her to go meet *Grandma*. A 2 hour trip normally turned into a 5 hour trip with the newbie! WOE!!! She returned her breakfast and was just miserable the whole way down. Poor thing! By the 5th stop to walk her she was adamantly protesting getting back into the car!!!

We finally made it to Grandmas and she was glad to be out of the car!!! She was warmly greeted by Grandma and Aunt N but Grandmas dog (a cocker with dachshund legs) had other ideas! Puppy was sad not to make a new friend! She is a very friendly overgrown puppy! In fact we realized she had had a fur friend at her foster parents house and we're wondering if we might have to get her a playmate. We'll try without and see how she adjusts.

After consulting Grandmas vet book I made a trip to Walgreens. FYI - Walgreens (if in your area)fills pet prescriptions and the pharmacist is very helpful & knowledgeable. 1 hour before we left we gave her a spiked treat and the return trip was uneventful! Whew!!!

Today she was left to her own devices, albeit convined to the basement, and she did just great! She was very happy to see her new *little* owners when they got home as they were her.

We also had to exchange her crate for a larger one but the new crate seems to fit her much better. She is a BIG girl!!! She really only uses it at bedtime (for now) and at our meal time. Rather than crate her when we have to go out we have a room in the basement that she can be in unrestricted. The floor down there is concrete and she even has her own window.

She's a good girl and will fit in just fine I believe! Oh, BTW, our cat is having a blast tormenting the new resident! Nothing mean just staying a few feet out of reach and making sure puppy knows it! ; )

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weekend Happenings

First, Ken was busy unloading heavy equipment out of his truck with a little help from the tractors backhoe. Glad to know that Lamborghini tractor of his is getting used!!! ; )

Then it was it was time to decide which of the many dog areas the previous owners (breeders) left us that we would keep and get it ready for the new dog that was coming on Sunday.

Miss K decided to test the dog crate & bed for comfort & height (silly girl)....

While her sister tested the crates lock

The girls then decided to go play & cool off in the late afternoon shower

Miss S woke up all excited that the new dog was coming. She even dressed for the occassion. She only wears dresses for events she deems special! : ) (FYI - this dress she actually made herself with very little help from mom; so she considers this one her BEST dress!)

Finally the dog's foster parents bring out Annabelle. This name may change but it's what she came with. Originally when we picked her from a list of dogs from a local rescue group we were told she was a beagle and she looked beagle. However, upon meeting her we realized that wasn't quite right. She is much taller than we originally anticipated but she is incredibly sweet and good natured!

On the adoption papers that she came with it says she is a Tennesee Walker Coonhound. I've Googled it and find the actual breed name is Treeing Walker Coonhound but that still isn't totally right for Annabelle. She is more slender & sleek than the TWC.

Annabelle... Meet Sarabelle. Total coincidence on the name thing. We were originally told it was just Anna. Miss S named the cat *Sarah Taco Bell* but I talked her into letting us shorten it! ; )

The newest family member is all tuckered out now.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday

Yep, this is of week for birthdays at our house. Today is Miss K's 8th birthday. My, how fast the time has gone. I look at her now and am just amazed as to how fast it really has gone.

My precious baby girl. Dad & I love you more than you will ever know. Yes, even more than *that*! You are the light of our lives. We look forward to seeing the fine young lady you will become; but it is ok to slow it down just a little bit!!! : )

Friday, June 06, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday!!!

My baby girl turned 5 today. Sniff, Sniff! Oops, make that *yesterday* now! We've been so busy I haven't had time to blog! Her big day today was spent at Girl Scout daycamp where she had birthday wishes bestowed upon her and was sung to by over 400 fellow campers.

She and big sister had their party last weekend at the local roller skating rink. Sabryn finally got into it this year and even took to inline skates as if they had came attached since birth.

Baby girl, may your life be filled with much happiness! We love you bunches & bunches!!!!! You have given all of us such incredible joy and you always keep us on our toes. You beat to your own drummer but that's ok. I just hope I always know the tune. ; )