Monday, May 05, 2008

WOW! It's been over a month...

I'm surprised to see it's been over a month since I posted. When I look back and realize how much has been going on I really shouldn't be though. Approaching the end of the school year is always crazy. We STILL have not finished moving all our stuff out of the old house! I know that is hard to believe but it's true. We've just been swamped and the new house has required repairs/adjustments that we were unaware of. So was the inspector! : ( Nothing overly major but time consuming nonetheless. But the proposed renters need the house soon so we must get in gear quickly!

So what was going on this past month? Besides all the usual craziness my life always entails...

1) my neice had twin boys on April 10th. They are just precious!!!

2) My brother (61) Got married!!! For the 1st time! :-o Yea, we never thought that day would come but we are all thrilled for him and welcome our new sister-in-law Pat. I wish mom & dad were here to be a part of it but I'm sure they were there in their own way.

3) DD #1 wrecked her car. Not once, but twice in 3 days!!! Yep, twice! *Killed* one on Sunday (before we got back from the wedding). Got a new one Monday night then Tuesday morning *broke* it! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk! What are we going to do with that girl!?! Good thing Ken is as handy as he is. He managed to put the new one back together (although could still use some touch ups) and she is back on the road again. I see a defensive driving class in her future! ; )

4) The birthday party brigade has begun! I swear there are a ton of them this time of year! You'd think people had nothing else to do in the Fall/Winter than procreate. Oh wait, I guess that applies to me too seeing as I have 6 Spring/Summer kids of my own. {{{BLUSH}}} So lots of parties to go to and we are in full throttle of planning both of the little ladies in the house parties. This year they are getting seperate ones.More on that later. DH & DS#3 is coming up too. DH hits the BIG 5-0 this year.

5) And without going into details... DS# 3 is keeping us up nights. What is it with my boys? All 3 of them. I keep hoping & praying that they will see the error of their ways and grow up but, alas, I guess it won't be today! {{{SIGH}}}

Well, I guess that about sums it up for now. Oh, wait, 1 more good thing. For the first time in 11 years since having that @#$% Depo shot I have actually lost weight!!! WooHoo! That's reason to celebrate right there! I hope I'm not jinxing myself by posting this either. I'm sure the yoga has helped and Lord knows 3 flights of stairs has definately contributed but I also added a couple of other supplements to my long list of them and I think they might be doing something too. I'm just hoping it continues!!!