Monday, March 10, 2008

At least I wasn't asked What's In It! LOL


Just what's on it. Whew! My friend Andie tagged me for this almost a week ago & I'm just now getting around to it. Sorry Andie!

So here's mine:

You can click on the image to get a better look; if you dare! LOL Yes, there is a refrigerator under all of that stuff.... at least I think so. ; )

There are pictures both of my youngest girlies, 1 grandson and a very dear friend and her family from a few years back. Notes from my 7 yo. Magnets from various places we have been. Dental reminders. Buisness magnets from, the ped, dentist, insurnce companies (including one from DS's job which I don't know why it's still there. He isn't!), numbers to replace the worn out ones on the mailbox before we rent out this house. And of course my Monster Dry Erase Calendar that I could not live without. It was actually bigger but I had to cut off the memo part in order to make it fit on the fridge.