Weekend Update
Well, we put an offer in on the house and now we sit, wait, jump every time the phone rings and sigh when it's not our realtor! LOL We asked for a response by Tuesday at 5 PM since Monday is a Holiday. We have been able to distract ourselves by getting Ken ready to leave for Taiwan in the morning (Monday 4AM). Man, I hate that he's going to be travelling while we try to do all of this & with a 13 hour time delay. UGH! Hopefully there won't be too much negotiating to reach terms.The girls fell in love with the house. They've staked a claim on a bedroom and decided where their furniture should all go. : ) Sabryn was in Heaven too. She heard us say there were lots of ladybugs in the master bath so she came prepared. She brought a bucket to collect them all. LOL She couldn't have them all in a house all by themselves with no one to care for them! I'm happy to report that they are all living in a variety of containers being well cared for and have been named by my little animal lover whose current preference is Ladybugs! They have neatly folded wet paper towels for water, leaves and a raisin each for energy. Yes, we researched how to care for these little things. ; )
I also took some pictures of our own so I have updated the previous webpage of those. They are HERE.
Ken is going to be gone until the 31st. This is going to be a long 10 days!!!