Holiday Sickies...Bah Humbug!!!
Ok, we have a little over 24 hours for all the sickies to be gone from here. DGS (3) woke up in the wee hours on Thursday sick as a dog. So bad that he ended up in the ER Friday night but luckily got to come home. Apparently there's a bug going around and the ER was full of it!DH, the girls & myself were to go to grandmas for an early Christmas celebration there and we delayed going to make sure we were ok to go. Once we felt *safe* we headed down only to be awoken a few hours later by Miss S with the bug. Called home and DGS (10) was voicing stomach complaints as well. Then I started and DH doesn't feel far behind. Cut our trip short and came home to be sick in the comforts of our own home and DD#1 is showing signs now too. Miss K is the only one not seeming to be affected yet. Fingers crossed.
Hopefully this will all be gone over the next few hours and everyone can enjoy Christmas or else forget about stockings being hung with care just make sure all buckets & pails are strategically placed.