Monday, November 26, 2007

Post-Holiday Ramblings

We spent the holiday with Family (Wed - Sun) and escaped Saturday to go visit with friends before they moved away. I think we both broke the record and didn't cry. At least until we drove away! ; ) A & her family will be sorely missed but the road trip to visit has already been mapped out & planned for this summer.

Had everything planned out to get out the door early this morning in order to get the new kitty to the vet for her spaying but she had other ideas! She was fine until DH went to put her in the car. She saw her chance and took it. Climbed out of her bag, scratched DH profusely on the hand and ran. Anchor leash (which was attached to her bag) and all. No where to be found. That darn cat!

Back to life as usual. Hope everyone had a good holiday and gearing up for the next one. No Black Friday sales for me. I avoid them anymore. Most of my shopping has already been done and all online. YAY!