I've been tagged and now SO HAVE YOU!
1) Answer the questions below
2) Take each answer and type it into Photobucket
3) Take a picture from the first page of results copy the html code.
4) You cant copy the persons answers who posted this before you!
1. The age you will be on your next birthday:
2. A place you’d like to travel:
3. Your favorite place:
4. Your favorite object:
5. Your favorite food:
6. Your favorite animal:
7. Your favorite color:
8. The town in which you were born:
9. The town you live in:
10. The name of your pet:
11. The first name of your love:
12. Your nickname:
13. Your middle name:
14. Your last name:
15. A bad habit of yours:
16. Your first job:
17. Your grandmother’s name:
18. Your favorite book:
Now, go do yours so I can come read them! ; )
Terms of Agreement
Lack of sleep is making me a bit silly & felt like playing on words. Sorry.
We finally came to an agreement of terms with the Seller and are officially under contract for
our new house. YIPPEE!!! We actually made quite a good deal on it. It is definately the ideal time to buy. We're loving that the interest rates are going down more too. At least for
THIS purpose. Our stocks are another matter entirely! Now, hopefully, the market will pick up after we close and we can sell our current house. We'd rather sell it but currently it looks like we are going to have to rent or lease/purchase it. I've learned my lesson about being the most expensive house in the subdivision!!! When I look at what others in the area are going for I gringe. No Way can I settle for that. This year we were rezoned for *the best* Elementary school and an option for the better Middle & High school in the area so hopefully that will help some too.
Now I'm off to go play with paint swatch programs and window shop for the furniture I'd like to get for the new house but probably won't be able to afford.
; )
Weekend Update
Well, we put an offer in on the house and now we sit, wait, jump every time the phone rings and sigh when it's not our realtor! LOL We asked for a response by Tuesday at 5 PM since Monday is a Holiday. We have been able to distract ourselves by getting Ken ready to leave for Taiwan in the morning (Monday 4AM). Man, I hate that he's going to be travelling while we try to do all of this & with a 13 hour time delay. UGH! Hopefully there won't be too much negotiating to reach terms.
The girls fell in love with the house. They've staked a claim on a bedroom and decided where their furniture should all go.
: ) Sabryn was in Heaven too. She heard us say there were lots of ladybugs in the master bath so she came prepared. She brought a bucket to collect them all. LOL She couldn't have them all in a house all by themselves with no one to care for them! I'm happy to report that they are all living in a variety of containers being well cared for and have been named by my little animal lover whose current preference is Ladybugs! They have neatly folded wet paper towels for water, leaves and a raisin each for energy. Yes, we researched how to care for these little things.
; ) I also took some pictures of our own so I have updated the previous webpage of those. They are
Ken is going to be gone until the 31st. This is going to be a long 10 days!!!
House Pics
Several people requested pictures and several of you had trouble getting through the link so I decided to pop them up onto a web page of my own real quick. Click
HERE if you want to go see. I will try to get some more shots myself. Although since we are going over this evening I won't be able to get the view shots. It'll be dark by then. Not sure when we'll get back over in the daytime until after we actually own it.
: ) We've decided to go ahead and put in an offer tonight instead of waiting until hubby returns from Taiwan at the end of the month. Cross your fingers!
Opening Up Our Options
Well, the good news is the other *buyer* did not respond to the sellers counter offer. The selling agent thinks they had to go out of town due to a family illness but still it gave us the legal ability to place a bid if we chose to. However, we (our agent & us) spent Friday night pouring over properties until midnight and found one other house near that house that we felt we must see before placing an offer. We rushed out there at first chance Saturday morning. It's on an acre less, the house is beautiful and *Move In Ready* and the view is awesome! So we decided not to place a bid on the other house after all. We really had no idea we'd like this house better, we just thought we should look at something else before jumping into a deal. Didn't want to get into *Ebay Mode*. KWIM?
We also found a few other properties that were worth looking at but would still keep us farther out in the sticks than we think we want to be, but hey, it's opening up our options. There is so much negotiating room right now that we know now is the time to buy but we are going to wait until after Hubby comes back from Taiwan at the end of the month before doing so. We spent all day today looking at some too. Yesterday's house is still the top runner. So for now we'll keep looking and continuing to get all our ducks in a row. We'd like to do this over the next few months if possible while the market is best suited to buying. Will keep you posted.
Just goes to figure
Hubby happened upon a house for sale last month that really caught his eye. Not the house as much as the property. We know it's been vacant for quite some time (4+ years?/estate sale), the family may be sorry that they didn't take an offer they had 5+ months ago, not much interest because it does need work, etc., etc.
So we met our agent out there today with plans of having a full inspection done after discussing with her and placing an offer contingent on that inspection only to find out that someone else placed an offer and seller counter offered
YESTERDAY!!! The *buyer* has until X:XX tonight to respond. Why now? Now I feel like we want it more but trying not to get sucked up into that vortex at the same time. Keep your fingers crossed.