Monday, February 28, 2011

Time4Writing Giveaway

Today is the last chance to enter the drawing for the February Giveway for the Time4Writing program of your choice. Check it out: Time4Writing Giveaway

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Fishful Thinking

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Oops, I for got to update here

I've been so stuck on facebook I foget that not all my family or friends are over there! Why I do not know. I'll get you all over there eventually I'm sure! : )

On Monday (January 26) my Mother-In-Law (MIL) was in a serious car accident. Today (2/5/09) is day 11 and she is still in ICU. While we do expect her to make a full recovery getting her there is going to be a very long road it seems. Initially she cracked 8 ribs (4 on each side), broke her collar bone, punctured a lung and broke her right ankle. Of course they have done what they can to repair the bones but breathing has been very difficult for her. Fluid was building in her lungs which was/is a big concern. Since she was having so much trouble breathing and did NOT like the treatments to help they offered to put her on a ventilator so it could do the breathing for her. That was Sunday night. Today they put a trach in. While this sounds really bad it really is an improvement. This will allow her to breathe some on her own but when it gets too difficult they can reconnect the ventilator through it. When she gets to the point of being released she will more than likely have to go into a rehad facility until she can walk again. She's not aware of that at this point and we're sure she will fight us all tooth and nail!!! Ken & I are even looking into the possability of moving her in here with us if things need to be more long term than we think. Just trying to prepare.

That's it for now. Will update more later as we know more. Prayers are greatly appreciated.

Monday, December 15, 2008

World Wide Christmas Tree Contest 2008

These are quite *interesting*!

A few I found *interesting* are:

The tree of the future (it matches the clock! LOL)

I want to see this thing go!

There's a tree under there?

Is that a tree or a May Pole?

Can you really move the Rainforest?

They caught themselves a tree


There are many more! Go check them out here

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Oh, Go Make An Elf Of Yourself (WW)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm Back!!!!!!

I now have access to the web via my own computer! YAY!!! Now to go and re-install everything! Ugh but I'm back to my own computer so I won't complain..... too loudly! ; )

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Out of Commission For Awhile

Just wanted to let my friends and family know that my computer is awaiiting *brain* surgery. Until it is performed and fully recuperated my time and ability to be online will be extremely limited. Thank You Mr. Gates for Windows Vista....... NOT! This is what we get for complaining about XP I guess. Add to this my DH's wonderful thought about upgrading my processor to 64bit that not many of my favorite programs (most importantly Palm Desktop or RoboForm) will work with. This and MS Windows Vista argued with each other so much since it's install that it finally went on no speaking terms with it. Which is where we are currently at. I can access stuff on my 'puter but my computer will not go online, it can not access the network, it can't see my DVR, nothing. WAAAAAAAH!!!

So, until then...... I wish you all well and I hope my time away is short.

P.S. I can receive email on line (thank you Google!) via DH's computer so I'm not completely out of touch, just limited.