Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not having the best of days!

Well, actually the day started out ok aside from all of us being tired. I was very tired because it was the day after trip to MIL's which is always tiring, but it was ok. I actually got home earlier than usual. Right after I got home the power went out though. I was still out in my car. This immediately woke up the whole house. Why when their eyelids are shut and it's dark *in there* I have no idea but it did. This had Miss K all in a tizzy which she shared those views with Miss S. So nice to share you know! : ~ After getting in the door and finding a flashlight for the girls I went to sleep right away (it was 1 in the morning afterall) but apparently Miss S & Miss K waited until the lights were back on and then they went to their prospective rooms. This made getting them up for school quite the task but they succeeded with minimal grouching.

After school drop off Ken & I went to have breakfast out. A nice treat,even if the ulterior motive was to check on the used fryer grease collection from the restaurant for our veggie fuel project. Sadly the barrel was less than half full after almost 4 weeks. At that rate we are going to have to find more restaurants to help support our cause!

Stopped back by the house only to find a message from American Express saying that it appears someone has been using our CC# and charging things on the internet. They caught it and have cancelled the card. More inconvenience than anything. Will overnight us a new card. Then it was time to pick up our puppy from the vet after her big surgery day yesterday. Poor li'l girl got spayed, a tooth extracted, booster shots, micro-chipped and nails trimmed all in one visit. Luckily she was very happy to see us and did not seem as angry as I feared. By this time we only got a couple of hours at the old house to try to finish up the final packing & cleanup before the new tenants move in on the 1st. I dropped Ken off to pick up his VW to take it to the shop since we just got the Mercedes back earlier in the week. The VW we want to sell but couldn't until the Mercedes was fixed from his Boo-Boo. So he dropped it off and I picked him up after I got the girls from school. When I picked up the girls from school I found out they changed to first Spirit Night Pizza dinner to tonight. Oh Joy! NOT!!! OK, we'll run a couple of errands then get back for pizza. We were stopped at a traffic light. The light turned green but the big Ford van behind us was a tad more anxious to go than we were apparently.

The 3rd row back seat was down because we have been moving and now it is stuck down. The bottom of the bumper jammed in so hard we can't budge it. The tow bar underneath is even bent in. {{{SIGH}}} Luckily the hatch does still open and close! YAY!!! So back to the car shop in the morning to find out the damage on this. Did I say this was our last weekend to move? : (

The girls are excited to share their story tomorrow at school about all the fire trucks (2), ambulance (1) and police cars (3) that came to our rescue. Luckily no one was majorly hurt. Kalina complained right away about her neck & head (911 operator heard her and sent all those emergency vehicles), my already bad back is not happy and Ken's isn't much better but basically we are all ok. No broken bones. It was quite a jolt though.

Here's to a better day tomorrow!!!