Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day Of School

Well, today started the beginning of a new school year for the girls. K has been itching for this day since the day after school got out in May I think. The girl likes school! YAY, now please keep that feeling! S has been the one to be very non-enthusiastic. Not dreading or down about it just, I guess, non-commital is a good term for it. This morning though S jumped up out of bed and rushed to get dressed. I'm not sure if it was to get to school or to wear her new *Super Sabryn* pillowcase dress she got for the occasion? ; ) Trying to get that 1st morning picture of them was a challenge. S was a bit too rigid and K was her usual poser. I ended up with this one to commemerate the day.

But I can't help but share this one too to note S's feelings at the end of the day. ; )
