Making the world a better place just got easier
I've been calling around to set up garbage service at our new house and I'm so happy because I will now be able to have recycling picked up curbside. WooHoo! We did not go with the cheapest company but rather the one who offered the most in terms of recycling. Funny thing is, it's the same company we've had for years now. They are just able to offer us more at the new address than they could at the old one. We had NO recycling before and, honestly, it was a royal pain to do much recycling. We did some but nowhere near enough. Now we'll have p/u for plastics, aluminum, all food cans, newspaper and glass. WooHoo! Bonus: the previous person I talked to gave us the wrong quote (cheaper) but they are going to honor it anyway.
Ok, it's little I know but every little bit helps to make this world a better place.